Defining Home Pages with a Text Editor

Basic Structure of a Home Page Descriptor

A simple home page might hold one row of panels. Panels display either tasks or controls, such as a favorites control or a chart control.

In the descriptor file, each panel is defined with a <bucket> element.

The home page descriptor for the page above looks like the XML below.

A home page has:

Note that the colors for the backgroundShading option are determined by \schema\ab-core\page-navigation\css\quiet.css. You can set light, medium, and dark for the default color as well as for these colors: grey, ochre, blue, light blue, red, green, purple, aqua, and orange


The <row /> tag groups panels into rows:

<row height="half">

Page dividers

A home page can also have a divider between its rows. This is set with the <page-divider /> element. As with a panel, you can set the divider's <title> and <backgroundShading>. In the below image, "In Depth" is a page divider.